Individuals who are battling with rosacea can become frustrated if they have frequent outbreaks. In addition, rosacea is irritating to have on the skin. After a while, rosacea sufferers begin to realize that there are certain triggers that can cause them to have a flare up. Once they have identified these triggers, they are then able to take steps to avoid them.
For some, drinking alcohol, eating foods that are spicy, drinking hot beverages, as well as eating hot food triggers a flare up. The same is true with taking a bath in hot water, sitting in a hot sauna, or engaging in exercise that increases their body temperature and requires them to perspire.
For some, weather affects their rosacea. In some instances, it’s the hot weather and the perspiration that is a trigger. However, other people are triggered by just the opposite. They cannot handle extremely cold weather. Humidity can be a universal trigger, as well as the irritation caused by blowing wind and sunlight.
In addition to the external triggers for rosacea, many patients have internal triggers. They comment that when they feel anxiety, they have an outbreak. This is especially true if the anxiety is prolonged or if the anxiety is severe. Stress can be a trigger for some, as well as fluctuations in their emotions. Many have commented that if they suddenly find themselves in an embarrassing situation or if they find themselves laughing very hard, it’s a trigger for their rosacea.
Women going through menopause may see a higher frequency of rosacea flare-ups. Those who are experiencing a chronic cough or a prolonged cold may also experience symptoms. Some have even commented that when they’ve attempted to remove caffeine from their diet, they saw their rosacea outbreaks intensify.
The above-mentioned things are just a few of the triggers that can cause a rosacea flare up. Of course, not every trigger is going to affect every person. The goal is for a person to identify what causes their rosacea symptoms. What you may need to do is create a journal where you can keep track of when you have a flare up and try to identify circumstances that took place during the day that led to the flare-up.
Doctors are still trying to understand why people have rosacea in the first place. They are also trying to understand why certain triggers can make the problem worse. The current understanding is that if a condition happens that makes your face flush, then rosacea symptoms get worse. So a general rule of thumb is to stay away from activities that are going to cause blood to rush to your face.
Of course, once a person identifies what causes their rosacea flare-ups, they can make some adjustments. For example, if a hot cup of coffee affects you, switch to ice coffee. Or if high-intensity workouts affect you negatively, switch to something that is less demanding and avoid exercising when it’s hot.
To find out more about treatment options for rosacea contact Adoro Medical Spa. Dr. Pacheco understands the emotional frustration that patients suffering from rosacea are experiencing. Schedule a consultation today so that she and her staff can recommend the best options for your particular needs.