Do you have cellulite on your skin that you would like to get rid of? Before you can really talk about medical steps you can take for cellulite reduction, it is first important to understand what cellulite is and what causes it.
Cellulite is simply the fat that is underneath your skin. It is not a special type of fat or a special collection of some other type of tissue. What makes cellulite look so lumpy is the way that it pushes against your connective tissue. The connective tissue that you have separating your skin from your fat layers can get weak over time. It can begin to develop small openings where the fat underneath it can break through. This is what causes a person with cellulite to have skin that looks like a golf ball or the peel of an orange.
This also explains why you can have cellulite if you are overweight or if you are very skinny. The connective tissue between the fat layers and the skin is a lot stronger in men than it is in women. This is one of the reasons why women are more likely to develop cellulite than men are. Of course, this does not mean that men cannot develop cellulite.
There are some things that can increase your risk factor for developing cellulite. They include:
· A bad diet
· Doing fad diets
· A slow metabolism
· Not getting a lot of physical activity
· Changes in your hormones
· The thickness and color of your skin
· Dehydration
If you are looking into your options for cellulite reduction, look no further than the treatments at Adoro Medical Spa. We are proud to offer more than one treatment for cellulite, as we know that treatment for this condition is not one-size-fits-all. Clients can choose from Liposonix®, which utilizes high-intensity focused ultrasound, and Thermage®, which uses radiofrequency energy.
Our professional cellulite reduction treatments can be done in the comfort of our office without the need for anesthesia. Minimal to no downtime is involved, depending on the situation and the treatment. You may want to consider having the treatments performed multiple times a year for ongoing benefits.
Talk to the team at Adoro Medical Spa to learn more about your options regarding cellulite reduction treatments. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at our office in Severna Park.