Now is a great time for skin rejuvenation treatments! The winter months offer a “down time” for our skin to take a break from sun’s harsh summer rays. It’s this time of year you may be noticing the emergence of fine lines and wrinkles from summer’s sun exposure. People tend to spend more time outside in the warmer weather, thus making themselves much more vulnerable to the hazardous and unsightly effects of the sun’s intense rays.
Sun damage doesn’t only show up in the form of fine lines and wrinkles, either. Pigmentation issues in the form of noticeable sun spots are also a big problem for people who get a lot of unprotected sun exposure. If you tend to develop a lot of unsightly freckles and sun spots during the summer months, then sun exposure is most likely at fault.
Luckily there is BBL Forever Young, a non invasive light therapy that can achieve incredible skin rejuvenation with NO downtime. Flashes of light energy are delivered to the skin, through a series of treatments which improves the appearance of sun damage spots, rosacea, acne, broken capillaries, pore size and unwanted hair.
And what is even more exciting, the DNA in the skin cells become transformed to that of young DNA cells. With repeated BBL treatments it has been documented through Stanford University studies to keep the cells young forever, therefore the term Forever Young BBL.
In as little as 30 minutes you can begin to kiss the summer sun damage goodbye. Dr. Pacheco will create an individualized treatment plan for each patient and will recommend a series of treatments to achieve the radiant skin you desire.
Let the Adoro Medical Spa team help you slow down the aging process and stay Forever Young! And don’t forget…Stay up to date on our latest services and specials…follow us on Facebook!